Benefits of Coconut Oil Pulling for Teeth

Coconut oil pulling is a traditional Ayurvedic therapy that involves swishing coconut oil around your mouth for 15 to 20 minutes. Studies show that oil pulling can significantly reduce the amount of harmful bacteria in the mouth, eradicating tooth decay and gum disease.

Additionally, it can lessen the irritation and bacterial plaque that cause bad breath. Olive, vegetable, and coconut oils were studied for their effects on plaque bacteria. They found that the acid-producing bacterium Streptococcus mutants, a major cause of dental decay, was attracted to and harmful to tooth enamel only when coconut oil was used.

Benefits of Dental Health

Coconut oil contains antibacterial and antifungal characteristics that can aid in reducing plaque and germs in the mouth. This can help prevent bad breath, cavities, and gum disease. Coconut oil has lauric acid, which has been demonstrated to help teeth and gums grow stronger. It may also aid in easing gum irritation. By eliminating stains and plaque, coconut oil can help whiten teeth. Promoting overall oral health: By keeping the mouth clean and bacterial-free, coconut oil can assist in enhancing overall oral health.

Bad breath results from unfavorable bacteria that collect in and around the papillae, which are little bumps on the tongue. Because coconut oil has antibacterial characteristics, it kills and eliminates germs as it draws them from these locations. Additionally, it has been discovered to lessen bacterial activity, a factor in developing gingivitis, a condition marked by inflamed and bleeding gums.

How to Pull with Coconut Oil

What you’ll need for coconut oil pulling is the following:
1 tablespoon of virgin coconut oil that is organic
a clock
Put warm water in your mouth to rinse.
Take a mouthful of the coconut oil.
For 15 to 20 minutes, swish the oil around your mouth.
In the garbage bin, spit the oil out.
Put warm water in your mouth to rinse.
Tips for Pulling with Coconut Oil
Use organic virgin coconut oil.
Increase the quantity of coconut oil gradually as you become acclimated to it, starting with one tablespoon.
Gently and carefully swish the oil.
Never ingest the oil.
In the garbage bin, spit the oil out.
After you’re done, rinse your mouth with warm water.

Considerations for Safety

Although coconut oil pulling is typically risk-free, there are a few things to be aware of:
Do not use coconut oil pulling if you are allergic to coconut or coconut oil. Speak with your dentist if you have any questions regarding coconut oil pulling.


Coconut oil pulling is a noncontroversial, organic method of enhancing dental health. Coconut oil pulling could be a fantastic solution if you seek a technique to lessen plaque, germs, and foul breath. Before beginning coconut oil pulling, you should see your dentist, especially if you have any underlying medical issues.

About Dominic E.

Film Student and Full-time Medical Writer for